Spring is just around the corner. What can you do to improve your landscaping when spring does arrive? You could add soil but using the wrong soil could result in all your hard work going to waste. One of the biggest things you should know is the difference between garden soil and topsoil. Using the wrong one could negatively affect the growth and vitality of you landscaping.
Topsoil VS Garden Soil
“Garden soil” – Is usually used on bags of premixed soils that you can buy at home improvement stores, but it is not actually a separate type of soil. The soil in a home garden has a unique texture and combination of sand, silt, clay and other materials. You can purchase different garden soil for different parts of your landscaping, like a flower garden, vegetable garden or an herb garden.
“Topsoil” – Refers to the top layer of soil on the surface of the earth. Depending on where it comes from, the topsoil layer may be 5 to 12 inches deep, and the texture may vary. The type of topsoil you use will depend on where you want to use it. Some will contain more clay and tend to retain moisture after it rains, making it harder for air to reach the roots. Compared to garden soil, topsoil is often sold in larger quantities for large-scale landscaping and may not be mixed with as much fertilizer as some garden soils.
How to Prepare Your Landscape for Spring
Topsoil. A quality-processed topsoil is a great addition to flowerbeds or raised garden beds. Good quality top soil is full of organic matter that will help any landscape thrive. It’s also a great way to get new grass to grow in dead spots and as a base for sowing grass or laying sod.
Fill Dirt. If there are holes or low points in your landscaping, you can use fill dirt to fix them. Fill dirt is a mixture of clay, sand, and rocks that have been broken-down. It’s also a great way to provide a stable base for modification to landscaping and as building and outbuilding foundations.
Sand. Masonry sand can be used to top-dress your yard and promote proper drainage. It’s also an inexpensive way to do it.
Mulch. Mulch can be used as a top layer to your landscaping beds. It will work to block weeds, but not all of them. Mulch is considered to be a better way to create a weed barrier than pine straw.
Compost. You can create a nutrient-dense soil for landscaping when you combine compost with topsoil, sand or clay. You can also place a thin layer on top of areas where erosion has occurred to prevent it from getting worse. Compost can also be used instead of sand or soil for aeration and top dressing.
Landscape Supply & More in McDonough, Jackson, Jonesboro, Fayetteville, Hampton, Sunny Side GA | Fayette, Clayton & Henry Counties, Georgia
A healthy yard needs to have a foundation that is strong, but the process can be overwhelming. Contact Milam’s Tree Service for ways to get your landscaping looking fabulous this spring. We sell and deliver topsoil, fill dirt, sand, mulch and more. Give us a call today!