Have you been staring out at your tree and notice that a section of its leaves are turning yellow? You might be thinking it’s only the middle of summer and the leaves shouldn’t be going yellow yet. Milam’s Tree Services knows that it’s never good when trees start to turn yellow. We have a few ideas as to the cause of the problem and how you can treat your sickly tree!
Chlorosis in Maple & Other Trees
When leaves turn yellow, this is a condition called Chlorosis. This is a term used when an abnormal yellowing of the leaves occur. The yellowing is due to the lack of chlorophyll which is a critical component during the growing season or the tree’s photosynthesis. The chlorophyll is what allows trees to absorb the sun’s light, turning it to energy. The lack of chlorophyll is why tree leaves turn yellow but what is the cause of chlorosis?
What Causes Chlorosis in Tree Leaves?
Well it could be a number of different reasons, from damage to the tree root, to not enough room for the roots to spread. The problem could also be due to fertilizer deficiency. Iron chlorosis is the lack of iron in the soil. This is one of the top common problems when leaves lose their color. A sign that your tree is suffering from iron deficiency is when the younger leaves or the ones found on the tips of branches start to go yellow first, and then works its way down the older leaves, or further down the branch.The loss of manganese or zinc will also cause the chlorosis condition in trees. The signs of zinc or manganese deficiency is similar to that of iron. The leaves will begin to go yellow from the inside out, affecting the older leaves first. Poor soil conditions are what lead to yellowing of the leaves in most cases. If your soil loses most of the nutrients, the tree suffers. You can have the soil analyzed to see what the soil lacks and restore the needed nutrients back to the ground.
Yellow Tree Leaves; Too Much Water or Not Enough?
Another problem that leads to yellowing of the leaves can be too much water. Some soils trap water in the ground longer than others. Weather can play its part as well. If you have a routine water system and the auto timer continues during heavy rains your soil never gets the chance to dry. When the roots are over moist and don’t get to dry up some, the excess moisture leads to root rot. This might be confusing. Trees love water, so how does it get too much? The root drinks water like we drink water. Trees, like people, need to take a breath between swallows. The tree can drown. If the tree doesn’t get enough oxygen, the root will get damaged and create root rot. When the trees are suffering from too much water or water logging this will cause the leaves to drop and then become yellow. If your tree looks droopy, it’s probably due to over watering. Too little water will also cause the leaves to yellow as well.
Professional Tree Care, Trimming, Pruning, Removal & More in McDonough, Jackson, Jonesboro, Fayetteville & Hampton as well as Fayette, Clayton & Henry Counties in Central Georgia
You can have your soil analyzed to see if it’s lacking the proper amount of iron, zinc, or manganese. You can buy these supplements and add them to the soil yourself. If you want to test to if it’s overwatered, step by the tree and see if the soil sinks or squishes up water. Milam’s Tree Services hopes this help you identify your tree illness, and that you will know how to properly care for your tree’s needs. Call us for all your tree trimming and tree removal needs!