Trees are truly an asset to the plant; they provide so many essentials for our daily living and survival. People, insects, birds and other animals have a major dependence on them. Trees become useful for wood, paper, producing food, as well as contributing to cleaning the air and stabilizing the ecosystems. Trees also provide beauty and charm; inspire songs, poetry, art, and other creative works. With their contribution to earth, more people should show more respect and interest in trees. Today, we at Milam’s Tree Service would like shine the spotlight on tress and relate some of the basics.
Tree Basics
Tree Types: Deciduous and evergreens are the two primary types of trees. Deciduous trees are easily spotted, as they will shed their leaves for parts of the year. In cold climates, these trees lose their leaves in the fall and are bare throughout the duration of winter. The warm and dry climates will lose their leaves during the dry season. Evergreens, on the other hand, don’t lose their leaves at once, they will always have foliage. Their leaves still shed, but gradually when they need to be replaced with healthier leaves.
Tree Anatomy:
Tree Roots: Roots are the foundation to which trees grow and they grow deep into the ground. Their root system typically matches the branch system and is necessary support the tree. The roots collect the water and nutrients from the soil and to store them in the event such sources becomes unavailable.
Tree Crown: The crown is comprised of branches and leaves at the utmost top of the tree. The crown provides shade for the roots, which helps collect energy from the sun. This is the process known as photosynthesis; permitting the tree to release extra water in order to keep it cool.
Leaves: Leaves convert energy into food and are a part of the crown. Containing chlorophyll, which is responsible for giving the leaves green coloring, it is also an extremely essential bio-molecule, used in photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is when the sun’s energy converts to carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and the water from the soils is converted into sugar and oxygen. Oxygen is released back into the atmosphere and the sugar is stored within the branches, trunk and root system.
Tree Branches: Tree branches provide support distribution to the leaves efficiency for the type of tree in its environment. They also cycle water and nutrients and provide extra storage for sugar.
Tree Trunk: The trunk sustains the crown and provides the basic shape. The trunk also pushes the water and nutrients from the soil to the leaves. With each passing year the trunk will earn another ring. The trunk’s anatomy has a few select parts that consist of the following:
• Bark: The outermost layer of the trunk, branches, and twigs, its primary purpose is to protect the delicate nature of the interior wood. There is an inner bark, or Phloem, and an outer bark which is made of living cells and the outside bark is comprised of dead cells, similar to that of fingernails. The inner bark supplies the sap containing the sugar to the leaves to the rest of the tree.
• Cambium: Cambium is the thin layer of living cells found inside the bark. It contributes to making new cells, which in turn grow larger each year.
• Sapwood or Xylem: Sapwood is made up living cells that distribute water and nutrients from the roots to the branches, twigs and leaves.
• Heartwood: Heartwood is dead sapwood located in the trunk. It is hardiest part of the tree and gives strength and support and is darker in color to the sapwood.
• Pith: Pith is the small spongy living cells found in the center where the vital nutrients travel. It is well protected from animals and other dangers to protect the tree.
Tree Services in McDonough, Jackson, Jonesboro, Fayetteville & Hampton as well as Fayette, Clayton & Henry Counties in Georgia
We hope this helps you understand trees a bit better, if you are in need of any tree services, contact Milam’s Tree Service, and our experts will happily assist you!