Author Archives: MilamTreeAdmin

Tips for Preparing Trees for Severe Weather in McDonough, GA; Strengthen with Tree Pruning & Mulching to Lessen Chance of Trees Falling & Limbs Breaking

Summer Storm Tree Protection Summer storms will soon occur bringing strong winds, heavy rains, lightning, and even hail. We need to make sure that our trees and landscape are ready. If trees are not prepared for high winds, they could become stressed and weakened, putting you and your property at risk. Preparing trees for extreme…

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How do Trees Know When to Leaf Out & Bloom in Jonesboro GA; Temperature, Seasons & Long Days Affect Plant Growth & Need for Tree Trimming & Pruning Services!

Trees are a living thing and just like anything that is alive, they need to be fed and watered. The tree can’t talk and tell you what they need and when they need it so they are made to work with what they have. Trees are a very complex thing and know when the time…

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Oak Tree Roots & Damage to Concrete Sidewalks & House Foundations in Fayetteville GA; Site Preparation Planning for Planting Trees & Protecting Tree Roots During Construction

What Problems Can There Be With My Tree Roots? If you think about it, the part of the tree that you are actually seeing standing in your front yard is really only a small portion of the tree. Obviously you are seeing the most beautiful part of the tree with leaves and branches as well…

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