Author Archives: MilamTreeAdmin

Storing Seasoned Firewood in Hampton, GA; How to Stack, Store & Protect Wood from Cold Weather

As we endure these cold months ahead, many homeowners will be grateful for their firewood stockpile. There is quite a bit of information that is useful to know when regularly burning firewood, such as how and where it should be kept, differences between burning Unseasoned or Seasoned firewood and safety measures applied during burning. We…

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How to Install & Spread Long Needle Pine Straw Like a Pro for Mulch & More in Monticello, GA

Creating the pine straw is done, as the name implies, from the needles shed throughout the year that derive from pine trees and the pine needles. As an environmentally friendly option for landscaping enhancement and mulching, pine needles are harvested as they are naturally dropped to the ground. Contributing to the prevention of soil compaction…

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